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Ego Bracer
Ego Bracer
Ego Bracer Arcanogram
Ego Bracer Arcanogram
Worn Artifact

An ego bracer is one of Nodd's most ubiquitous artifacts, with one being issued to every citizen in Nodd. The standard ego bracer takes the form of a wide wristband with a screen, which activates when it's wearer concentrates on it. During use, the bracer can display audio and visuals which only the user can clearly make out - onlookers will hear nothing, and see only a vague mix of indistinct and colorful visuals to indicate the bracer is in use. All ego bracers require a gloam battery to function, and often come with a default green tint to their screen while in use. Other colors may be selected, at a small gloam expense.

Typically the ego bracer is used to access the Arcanet, by extension allowing a number of other features to be accessed - Viewing one's ego file, messaging, recording or searching for information, casting spells, and more. While useful, one must be careful with the Arcanet - it is loaded with advertisements tailored to an individual's profile and current location, some of which might include hypnotic elements. The most elaborate ads might even possess hexes or other spell effects.

Ego bracers come in a variety of models, and as long as a citizen has the funds there are a variety of customization options and upgrades. The basic ego bracer lists several useful spells - typically spells to produce light, heat, cold, and clean water, in addition to basic self-defense spells. More advanced models may have higher quality spells, though a mage typically keeps a separate artifact for spellcraft - especially if it's a specialized spell.

Though ego bracers are designed primarily to require the sense of sight to function, there are special methods and ego bracer models designed for those who either lack sight or who prefer other methods of displaying information.

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1. Character belongs to Saint