Welcome to the Arcanet. Here you will find a near-exhaustive collection of information pertaining to City of Nodd.
City of Nodd is a work of fiction created by the artist Oddbird (formerly known as Slug), and is intended for adults only. You can find credits and more information on Nodd's main website.
You may encounter strange and terrible things while browsing this wiki, such as sex, violence, abuse, substance use, and more. Please mind the content warnings, and don't click on things you shouldn't.
Please keep in mind this is an ongoing project, and many pages are still missing art and information. This is not a public wiki, and editing pages is restricted to the creators.
How to use the Arcanet
If you're new to Nodd, you may find it useful to familiarize yourself with some of the concepts listed below.
If you're looking for something specific, you can find a search bar in the lower right of any page.
An exhaustive list of all pages can be found in the Index. This can be found in the lower right of any page, beneath the search bar.
If you're bored and here because you should be doing something more important, try clicking Random Page to see where you end up.
The World
The City
- City of Nodd
- Citygods
- The Council
- The Districts
- Ordinances
- Music
- Games & Sports
- Transportation
- History
Reference Lists
- Sapient Species
- Fauna Species
- Flora Species
- Characters
- Factions
- Roles
- Locations
- Events
- Spells
- Items
- Artifacts
- Foods
- Substances
- Punishments
- Conventions