Full name
Illa Phasmere
Illa Phasmere is House Umbrasia’s citygod.
Before her corruption, Illa was a slyne with a pale blue skin and reddish quills. Now, her appearance varies to those who perceive her: the most commonly reported appearance being that of a skeletal specter staring out at the world with hollow, empty eye sockets hidden just beneath a long black veil.
Illa is soft spoken and holds a somber sense of kindness, despite her reputation of sternness. Her care for the City and it's citizens has not diminished during her time as a citygod, and she fills her position with due diligence. Some speculate about her thoughts on the Council's actions, but her true stance on the Council as a whole remains a mystery.
Before Illa's ascension to citygod, magic was much rarer than it is currently, with Illa holding a lofty reputation as the most powerful of Nodd's mages. When the Night of the Mothertoad began it was Illa whom the Council called upon for aid, in exchange for a seat in the Council. She agreed to lead her followers into battle, ultimately surviving and proving victorious. However, the required magical expenditure caused Illa to experience corruption, forever changing her. Nevertheless, she was given her place in the Council and rose up as one of the first citygods, the founder of House Umbrasia.