From Arcanet

The Death Aspect encapsulates the inevitability of mortal existence, and all the fear, sorrow and suffering that tends to accompany it.
House Umbrasia is the House associated with the death aspect. While some seem to worship the idea of finality, others simply embrace it and use their acceptance as a means to more fully appreciate their mortality.
Death aspected spells most commonly tend to cause instantaneous and often gruesome physical death, but some serve to simply remove or nullify something - death in a more abstract sense. Spells that invoke silence, darkness, sorrow or fear also tend to be categorized as death spells, as is anything relating to necromancy.
Death Aspected Species
Death Aspected Spells
- Anguish
- Askesis
- Benumb
- Blind
- Corrupt
- Darken
- Deliquesce
- Desiccate
- Encase
- Ennui
- Feed Soil
- Deafen
- Mute
- Phantom Touch
- Pluck Thought
- Siphon Soul
- Sphere of Solitude
- Supplant Shadow
- Terorrize
- Void Whisper
- Welcome Darkness
- Befoul
- Stitch Features