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The Cult of Gorgharia focuses on gaining power through growth in size - both in terms of weight gain, and overall mass.


Gorgharian magic tends to focus on stealing size from others, or enhancing or preparing food in some way.


Members of the cult are divided into those who feed and those who consume. Those who consume receive many sacrifices and gifts that are obtained by their dedicated feeders, sometimes consisting of the feeders themselves; most often a combination of all three. Considering the immortal nature of Nodd, many have a goal to die within their eater as many times as possible. Not all eaters choose to consume their tributes by traditional means - some choose to steal mass via magic, or assimilate others in a similar fashion to The Mothertoad.


Due to the sheer size of its members, Gorgharia's temple-like lair is deep in the Grotmire, outside the City proper.


The formation of The Cult of Gorgharia began once Uggrid had grown large enough in both size and reputation to amass the attentions of others and exert his influence over them. The common goal among him and the members was to grown in size and give purpose to those who wish to contribute to his own personal efforts.

Gradually Uggrid grew to not wish any other eaters to surpass him in size, leading to the rumors that other eaters within the cult are only being fed so that one day they may be fed to him.

Rumors aside, Gorgharia's members are constantly focused on the next feast, the act of feeding and being fed or giving to others for the purpose of being a part of something greater and the fostering of growing power that results.