The Death Aspect encapsulates all the inevitability of life in Nodd as a concept. Paradoxically some who value life might seek to pursue a study of the Death Aspect more than life as they might consider more rampant, uncontained growth as too wild or unseemly. Those who understand the Death Aspect know that death is as much a part of life as birth. For anything to be born something must die, to eat is to kill, to breathe is to take. Yet these are not unsightly things to one who understands but are, instead, part of the great cycle that has meaning greater than any other.
House Umbrasia is the House that most embraces the Death Aspect and explores its manifestation in the world of Nodd. To hold the cycle of existence, the importance of ritual and acceptance of one's place, and thus explore what it even means to live is to follow Umbrasia's teachings.
Death Aspected spells tend to result in the removal or taking away of something or offer a helping hand towards a grisly, or mayhaps merciful, end. Similarly the species aspected to Death are those which tend to bring a remarkable end to those that encounter them, or have some affinity for the passing of life conceptually.
Death Aspected Species
Death Aspected Spells
- Anguish
- Askesis
- Benumb
- Blind
- Corrupt
- Darken
- Deliquesce
- Desiccate
- Encase
- Ennui
- Feed Soil
- Deafen
- Mute
- Phantom Touch
- Pluck Thought
- Siphon Soul
- Sphere of Solitude
- Supplant Shadow
- Terorrize
- Void Whisper
- Welcome Darkness
- Befoul
- Stitch Features