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Affiliation Crest
Notable Individuals

The Cult of Gorgharia focuses on gaining power through the acts of consuming and being consumed.


Describe the spells for size theft and how they work / are used


The cult is broken up into those who eat and those who feed. Those who eat may receive feasts or sacrifices procured by their feeders, or the feeders themselves - a combination of all three is most common. Given the immortal nature of Nodd, the goal for some may be to die in the belly of their eater as many times as possible.


The cult's lair is somewhere.


The cult started when Uggrid grew enough to begin to draw attention and influence those around him. His only goal was to attract others who wished to grow in size or those who wished to contribute their size to others as part of his personal efforts to strive for increasing size.

Ultimately Uggrid does not wish for any other members to be larger than himself and some suspicious few suggest that he only allows the feeding of the other larger members so that they may serve as his own eventual meals for a final burst of growth to achieve his lifelong goal.

Whether or not that's true, however, is hardly a topic of concern at Gorgharia's feasts as all are too focused on the indulgence of feeding and being fed, of taking from others, of giving to others, and being part of a greater, growing power.