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It is not known if the world of Nodd ever had some form of natural light, though all surmise there must surely have been something. As long as can be remembered, however, an artificial sun has been created to create a cycle of light and dark through powerful magics that are said to date back to the city's very founding.


As Nodd lacks any proper celestial bodies the night sky is dead and empty, at least without the further efforts of mages. Mages, especially of House Psilysium, have taken to a habit of "playing" with the night sky and will dot the heavens with patternings of stars, streaks of comets, and variably gibbous moons all for the sake of practicing their craft. The results of these magics leave varied decorations in the sky every night which are referred to as "heavenscratch" due to their temporary nature.


Weather seems to manifest in and around Nodd in vaguely predictable patterns. Precipitation precedes a shift in temperature and dry spells lead, eventually, to rain. Seasons shift from warm to cold and rains linger for long periods then disappear for just as long.

It is Nodd's chaotic nature, however, that makes any more than general predictions of these sorts impossible. Rain one day can just as easily be a rain of mephitoads the next, and it is the Council's goal that encouraging indulgence and chaos helps minimize these unpredictable events. Fortunately unusual rain is of a lesser worry than greater chaotic catastrophes, but can be seen as a sign of insufficient chaos.

Lightning strikes are relatively rare even during storms and believed to be concentrations of natural gloam. Those unlucky few who end up struck experience a sudden, intense chaotic effect. So many buildings in the city are equipped with lightning attracting rods in hopes of some free gloam that almost nobody actually gets any.

Clear - The sun is visible with few to no clouds

Clear (night) - The night sky is visible with few to no clouds

Partly Cloudy - Clouds cover a substantial portion of the sky, but the sun can still be seen

Partly Cloudy (night) - Clouds cover a substantial portion of the night sky, heavenscratch can still be seen

Cloudy - The sky is filled wit clouds, the sun cannot be seen and heavenscratch is obscured

Rain - Water falls from an overcast sky and leaves a slimy residue

Storms - Torrentially downpour complete with thunder, gloamish lighting, and wind

Snow - Frozen crystals of rain fall from an overcast sky and leave a slimy residue after melting

Wind - Strong gusts buffet the city

Haze - A teal luminous fog that tends to happen after events where magic is used heavily

Mind Fog - A greenish haze that causes disorientation and mild hallucinations

Pink Fog - A pinkish haze that stirs arousal and reduces one's sexual inhibitions when exposed

Blood Fog - A reddish haze that stirs the lust for violence

Dark Rain - An inky rain that causes feelings of despair, said to be the city grieving for its own sins

Mephitoad Rain - Occurs in varying categories of severity, ranging from hatchlings to full-grown

Byle Rain - A watery slurry of excrement falls from olive tinged clouds

Swarms - Clouds of various biting insects choke the streets

Winds of Change - An arcane breeze causes unpredictable changes to everything it gusts past

Chaos Storm - The sky shifts to a purple hue and all madness breaks loose, a catastrophic chaotic event even at a small scale

City's Eyes

Nodd's analog for the sun and moon are together referred to as the "City's Eyes." Each one is created on a daily basis by a powerful spell and then traverses from horizon to horizon on opposite sides of the city. This is, of course, the origin for the expression of the same name and it believed the council can spy on citizens through these celestial bodies - eyes indeed.

Note: Do houses vie to be the one that the sun rises from, or is there a set pattern to it?