Hex is a term used broadly to refer to the application of a spell through the means of a condition being met. Almost any spell can be applied via a hex, and the condition can be set when the hex is placed. For example, a mage might place a hex upon their door that triggers the spell Coddle when opened by anyone else, rendering a potential intruder docile until the mage's return.
Similarly a hex can be placed on an individual in which case it's considered a hexmark. A hexmark works in the same fashion as a hex normally does and triggers the desired spell upon a condition being met, generally an action taken by the individual. Hexmarks dissipate after being activated.
A more powerful, semi-permanent version of a hexmark is a hexbrand. Hexbrands are generally used for severe punishment, to force servitude or certain behavior, or in other similarly severe circumstances.
Hex graffiti is another form of a hex that is generally applied in public spaces where it's plainly visible and is triggered by fully perceiving the graffiti, whether words or art. This creates a pressure upon the 'artist' to create more creative and interesting graffiti that is still short enough that most can't stop reading in time.
A Hex Tag is an artifact that's use is essentially akin to a disposable spell for the less magically capable. It allows them to place a conditional effect via hex without being able to cast it themselves.
Citizens have found many creative uses for hexes. Some relationships will solidify their bonds with hexmarks that promise pain or humiliation for breaking vows. Many shopkeeps not skilled in magic themselves will use hextags to protect their shops or carts from theft. Many savants will force apprentices to receive hexbrands for the duration of their service.