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Hex Tag
Hex Tag
Hex Tag Arcanogram
Hex Tag Arcanogram
Triggered Magic

Hex tags are magical symbols that are placed upon an item and trigger a pre-loaded spell or curse upon that item's use. Note that "use" is dependant on the item in question - a mirror need only be looked at, for example, while one would have to attempt to open or close a door to trigger a tag on it. They are essentially considered another delivery system for magic, not unlike a disposable spell.

In the case of a curse one may not even realize one has been afflicted until the curse later comes into effect when it is triggered. More often than not hex tags rely on the same premises as the common spells of Nodd and will contain contain familiar arcanograms and need to be infused with gloam.

It's frightfully common for items purchased in shops to have one, or more, hex tags imbued upon them. As a result many mages looking to make some gloam will offer services to identify, and potentially remove, the tags - though less scrupulous mages may then add their own afterwards.